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A member registered Mar 28, 2020

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Thanks .... experienced gamer here, playing web version - I did struggle with getting the knack of path-connecting new hut buildings - first 3 games couldn't quite get it ! (They were still greyed out, even after I'd seemed to connect a path to them properly).

It seemed the trick was to start the path _from_ the hut.

Anyway - after figured that out, fun game, well done.

Hi there,

I'm trying the new US SW pacific campaign and:

the scenario briefing after winning the last of the initial Phillipines scenarios says you're evacuating but have to leave your army and will "start again with a new command".

But then when I clicked continue ...

initially the first PNG mission, Boru I think - said "could not load map" and nothing worked.

Then when I reloaded the page and clicked continue, I still had my entire core force from the previous mission.

It made that scenario way too easy, clearly it's been designed for you to have to do it with a limited set of new green troops.